Friday, January 27, 2012

Homework for Next Week

The only homework for next week is one assigned listening:

On the Media: Pulling Back the Curtain

Listen to this 12-minute audio story and be prepared to discuss at the beginning of next class.

Also, the syllabus is posted at the top of the resources on the right-hand column, if you want to look over our plan for the semester and class policies.

Slides From Week 1

Spring 2012 Week 1

Adriana Interviews Josh

Allison Interviewing Adam

Audio Interview 1, Todaro

Adam Interviewing Allison

Audio Interview #1, Polus

Josh Axelrod interviews Adriana Scott

Panic Button Hockey Article Interview

Antonio Interviews Jason Assignment 1

Jace Evans: Assignment 1

Audio Interview #1, Alvarez

Mike Denison: First Audio Assignment

Assignment 1 - 1/27

Audio Interview #1

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcome to Multimedia Storytelling

Audio is sometimes called the most visual medium. We'll discuss why, and learn how to capture and edit professional-quality recordings, along with the fundamentals of audio storytelling.